Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our swimming pool....

there are not a lot of pools out here in IN so we made our own. LOL The boys actually loved it! I don't know how they lasted so long because the water was freezing but I guess they were just happy to be in their "pool"! Good thing we have a bunch of these storage bins left from the move....;)
I asked what they were doing here and they said "warming up" pretty smart huh?
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wackywilsons said...

Seriously...I am sure your AZ boys are missing that swimming time! Good thing that they are so resourceful.

How is that belly growing?

Stacy said...

I would like to be added to your private list. Stacyvb7@hotmail.com


So I said I would NEVER go private but I have decided to due to trying to expand my business. If you would like to be added to read my blog, leave your email as a comment on any post or email me at poseycowart@gmail.com. I hope to do this within the next couple days. thanks!