Monday, February 11, 2008

The Big Move

well, where do I even begin..... So we have had our house on the market for about a year and half! We know how bad the market is and we were in no hurry to sell, so we were just riding it out waiting for someone to give us an acceptable offer. basically, about 2 weeks ago, Ben woke up one morning and said, "let's move". he was sick of the drive to work every day and we were just ready to be back in town. Also, we lowered the price of our house and we had quite a few people come look at it and it was too hard to keep presentable. With in a couple days, we had found a rental in Gilbert and packed everything up! We had a ton of help from girls in my ward and my dad and brother. I don't remember moving being such a pain! My poor friend (and neighbor) came to help me pack and she didn't know her son was so allergic to cats! His face swelled so big! I felt so bad! Sorry Crystal!!!!! I never hated Queen Creek, in fact I was VERY sad to leave my ward and friends, but I am very happy living back in town! Everything just seems easier with out the drive to QC! The boys LOVE the new house! Vance thinks that it is a giant playhouse! He loves the backyard and would play out there all day if I let him! I love this area, it is so nice and all the people have been really nice so far. We have a way bigger house now so hopefully I will learn how to be a little more organized! Now we have to fix our QC house up and make it look really nice so it will sell! Wish us luck!


laurice. said...

How exciting! I liked Queen Creek also it was just a long drive anywhere! That poor boy! His face looks awful!

Anonymous said...

Cute house....poor Tanner....I took that picture of him...I was freaking out....I can't believe how bad it got! Enjoy Gilbert!

Brittney said...

Wow I wish we could just up and move to a beautiful home. Where are you living now? But that is nice that you are more in town. The house looks awesome and I want to see pics:)


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